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Scale your agile strategy with Aha! Roadmaps

Team-level tools like Jira Software are great for story backlog grooming, running sprints, and tracking your sprint progress. When you want to monitor strategy and execution at a higher level, you might want a tool designed to do just that.

Cue Aha! Roadmaps. Aha! Roadmaps is an agile tool that allows organizations to build strategy, coordinate across teams, and align business and team processes in an efficient method. Consider the value of having a single thread connecting strategy and work objects from the enterprise to the team level. Aha! tracks those object relationships and provides insightful reporting to assist your organization in making better-informed decisions. 

Peter Kerrigan
Scale your agile strategy with Aha! Roadmaps
Scale your agile strategy with Aha! Roadmaps

If you want to learn more about what Aha! Roadmaps can do, you're in the right place. Keep reading for a quick introduction to Aha! Roadmaps and to learn how it can help you build and track additional levels of strategy and execution above the team level.

Integrating your data from Jira

If your team is already working in Jira, you may use Epics, Stories, and other standard and custom issue types. Suppose your organization has reached a point of maturity where you want more visibility into the progress and achievement of Initiatives and Objectives. In that case, connecting your initiatives to team-level work and having that information roll up is imperative because you need real-time data that will allow executive leadership, portfolio managers, and other personas to see how the work completed by teams contributes to achieving organizational goals.

The bi-directional integration between Aha! Roadmaps and Jira Software allows you to sync your team-level data seamlessly. Once your Stories and Epics sync from Jira to Aha!, you can link them to parent Initiatives and link those Initiatives to Objectives, providing visualizations and reporting on how work contributes to your goals.The integration ensures that you always track work progress and allows you to follow a single thread of strategy and execution throughout your work hierarchy.

Plan and Visualize

Once you have data syncing between, Aha! Roadmaps and Jira, you can visualize your data in various report formats. Product owners may want to visualize how their prioritized features are planned on a roadmap. Or perhaps your executives want to see a breakdown of objectives and initiatives across the business. Aha! Roadmaps can do this. Select the data and metrics you want to report on, then build out your choice of line graphs, bar charts, stacked bar charts, pie charts, roadmaps, pivot charts, or several other report options. This makes reporting easier and more visual for better interpretation of data. 

Features roadmap visualization

You can export snapshots of your reports and embed them in external presentations, or you can keep them directly in Aha! where the information will update dynamically as data is changed and updated. Choose between stand-alone reports or dashboards of many reports; give direct access to reports and dashboards, or share read-only links for busy executives who want information at a glance.

New Ideas

What about the intake of new work? You may want to let external customers submit requests and ideas for new features. This can be done using the module Aha! Ideas. Your organization can configure various portals allowing internal and external customers to submit ideas. Review the ideas with an internal focus group, and if they make the cut, promote the ideas to workable objects in your Aha! environment; your integration will do the rest, automatically syncing these newly promoted work items directly to Jira. You can rest assured that your data will end up in the Jira backlog of your development teams, allowing product management to prioritize and teams to groom.

If you’re looking for a way of sharing the progress of your objectives at multiple levels within your organization, you might want to consider Aha! Roadmaps. To learn more about Aha! Roadmaps, how it can help your team,  or to arrange a demo, get in touch. Our experts would be happy to guide you along your Aha! Roadmaps journey.

If you want to learn more about what Aha! Roadmaps can do, you're in the right place. Keep reading for a quick introduction to Aha! Roadmaps and to learn how it can help you build and track additional levels of strategy and execution above the team level.

Integrating your data from Jira

If your team is already working in Jira, you may use Epics, Stories, and other standard and custom issue types. Suppose your organization has reached a point of maturity where you want more visibility into the progress and achievement of Initiatives and Objectives. In that case, connecting your initiatives to team-level work and having that information roll up is imperative because you need real-time data that will allow executive leadership, portfolio managers, and other personas to see how the work completed by teams contributes to achieving organizational goals.

The bi-directional integration between Aha! Roadmaps and Jira Software allows you to sync your team-level data seamlessly. Once your Stories and Epics sync from Jira to Aha!, you can link them to parent Initiatives and link those Initiatives to Objectives, providing visualizations and reporting on how work contributes to your goals.The integration ensures that you always track work progress and allows you to follow a single thread of strategy and execution throughout your work hierarchy.

Plan and Visualize

Once you have data syncing between, Aha! Roadmaps and Jira, you can visualize your data in various report formats. Product owners may want to visualize how their prioritized features are planned on a roadmap. Or perhaps your executives want to see a breakdown of objectives and initiatives across the business. Aha! Roadmaps can do this. Select the data and metrics you want to report on, then build out your choice of line graphs, bar charts, stacked bar charts, pie charts, roadmaps, pivot charts, or several other report options. This makes reporting easier and more visual for better interpretation of data. 

Features roadmap visualization

You can export snapshots of your reports and embed them in external presentations, or you can keep them directly in Aha! where the information will update dynamically as data is changed and updated. Choose between stand-alone reports or dashboards of many reports; give direct access to reports and dashboards, or share read-only links for busy executives who want information at a glance.

New Ideas

What about the intake of new work? You may want to let external customers submit requests and ideas for new features. This can be done using the module Aha! Ideas. Your organization can configure various portals allowing internal and external customers to submit ideas. Review the ideas with an internal focus group, and if they make the cut, promote the ideas to workable objects in your Aha! environment; your integration will do the rest, automatically syncing these newly promoted work items directly to Jira. You can rest assured that your data will end up in the Jira backlog of your development teams, allowing product management to prioritize and teams to groom.

If you’re looking for a way of sharing the progress of your objectives at multiple levels within your organization, you might want to consider Aha! Roadmaps. To learn more about Aha! Roadmaps, how it can help your team,  or to arrange a demo, get in touch. Our experts would be happy to guide you along your Aha! Roadmaps journey.