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Convert synced Bugs to Story of type Defect

Shannon Wright
Jira align abstracted logo
Jira align abstracted logo

In this blog, we explore converting synced Bugs to Story of type Defect which allows businesses to track production issues. First, let's look at why businesses require this change.

When issue types are configured in the Jira connector within Jira Align, there may be situations when changes need to be made. In the example below we explore the  configuration where the Jira Bugs issue type was mapped to Jira Align Defects. While working in this setup for a period of time, it was determined that the Jira Bugs should really sync to Jira Align as Stories of type “Defect” using the Custom Issue Types setting within Jira Align.

Jira issue of type Bug

Jira issue type of Bug as built is intended to be used to track issues found during development (i.e. in sprint). Businesses generally require tracking and reporting for escaped or production issues. To accomplish this, we recommend creating a custom issue type of defect.

Customer example

The example below represents a customer using the out of the box Jira issue type of Bug to represent escaped defects, which is a story type of Defect in Jira Align.

The initial configuration was set up with Bug ID 10004 set as Jira Align Defect and was later discovered to be incorrect for the required purpose.

Jira issue type of Bug representing escaped defects

Here are the following steps to change this to map to a Jira Align story type of defect:

  1. Make sure the ID and Name is removed from the Jira Setup tab
  2. Followed by Save changes
  3. Next, navigate to the Custom Issue Types tab
  4. Add the ID for Jira Bug to the Custom Issue Type tab
  5. Select story type Defect
  6. Followed by the Save changes command
Image showing how to change to a Jira Align story type of defect

7. The next step will be to force the changes to the existing items by running a Jira Integration query by clicking on the Jira Integration tab and performing a query for issue type=bug for the project where you want to change the work items.

Image of Jira Integration query

8. After the query runs, all the existing Defects in the system that had synced previously will be automatically converted to Stories of Type Defect.

Image showing Stories of Type Defect

The audit log will reflect the change within the story due to the type of change made.

(NOTE: the below image shows the audit log displaying the information of a Defect being deleted due to the type change)

Image showing audit log

9. The existing Jira bug remains the same within the Jira system, see the screenshot below.

Image showing bug in Jira system

For more insight into how Jira and Jira Align can help with your organisation, contact us for a demo today.

In this blog, we explore converting synced Bugs to Story of type Defect which allows businesses to track production issues. First, let's look at why businesses require this change.

When issue types are configured in the Jira connector within Jira Align, there may be situations when changes need to be made. In the example below we explore the  configuration where the Jira Bugs issue type was mapped to Jira Align Defects. While working in this setup for a period of time, it was determined that the Jira Bugs should really sync to Jira Align as Stories of type “Defect” using the Custom Issue Types setting within Jira Align.

Jira issue of type Bug

Jira issue type of Bug as built is intended to be used to track issues found during development (i.e. in sprint). Businesses generally require tracking and reporting for escaped or production issues. To accomplish this, we recommend creating a custom issue type of defect.

Customer example

The example below represents a customer using the out of the box Jira issue type of Bug to represent escaped defects, which is a story type of Defect in Jira Align.

The initial configuration was set up with Bug ID 10004 set as Jira Align Defect and was later discovered to be incorrect for the required purpose.

Jira issue type of Bug representing escaped defects

Here are the following steps to change this to map to a Jira Align story type of defect:

  1. Make sure the ID and Name is removed from the Jira Setup tab
  2. Followed by Save changes
  3. Next, navigate to the Custom Issue Types tab
  4. Add the ID for Jira Bug to the Custom Issue Type tab
  5. Select story type Defect
  6. Followed by the Save changes command
Image showing how to change to a Jira Align story type of defect

7. The next step will be to force the changes to the existing items by running a Jira Integration query by clicking on the Jira Integration tab and performing a query for issue type=bug for the project where you want to change the work items.

Image of Jira Integration query

8. After the query runs, all the existing Defects in the system that had synced previously will be automatically converted to Stories of Type Defect.

Image showing Stories of Type Defect

The audit log will reflect the change within the story due to the type of change made.

(NOTE: the below image shows the audit log displaying the information of a Defect being deleted due to the type change)

Image showing audit log

9. The existing Jira bug remains the same within the Jira system, see the screenshot below.

Image showing bug in Jira system

For more insight into how Jira and Jira Align can help with your organisation, contact us for a demo today.