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Change Program for existing integrated Jira projects

Shannon Wright
Pattern of colours and shapes
Pattern of colours and shapes

This blog discusses the configuration of the Change Program feature for your existing integrated Jira projects and how to run this. Our simple steps outline the process for your ease. 

When configuration happens within Jira projects in the Jira connector within Jira Align, there may be times when changes need to occur. In the following example, we look at a configuration where the Jira projects have taken place within a specific program within Jira Align, and the process of updating to another Program happens.

Customer example

Our example below shows that Project "Combined Team" (Jira Project ID: CT) and its Scrum Board belong to Program 2. However, it's at present set to Program 1 in Jira Align. 

We must change the Project and Board to the correct Program in Jira Align.

Jira screenshot
The initial configuration shows the Combine Team Jira Project (project key "CT") currently set to Program 1.
Jira screenshot
Configuration can be seen here with The Scrum Team's board within Program 1.

Here are some steps to show how moving the Jira Project to the target Program in Jira Align is possible:

  1. Under Administration – Jira Settings – Manage Projects tab, click on the Jira key to open the settings for the mapped project.
  2. Click the dropdown next to Program and make the selection needed (see the screenshot below, Program 2 is selected).
  3. Click "Save & Close".
Jira screenshot
The second part is to change the mapping of Programs for the team boards.

Here are the steps to follow: 

  1. Under Administration – Jira Management – Jira Boards, click on the team name of the board you want to update.
  2. In the Teams setting dialogue, click on the dropdown next to Program and make the new selection (see the screenshot below, Program 2 is selected).
  3. Click on "Save & Close".
Jira screenshot
  1. Under Administration – Jira Management – Jira Boards, locate the board that needs to change to Program 2 from Program 1.
  2. Click on the Program name of the board you want to update.
  3. In the Board Edit dialogue, click on the dropdown next to Program and make the new selection (in the screenshot below, Program 2).
  4. Click on "Save & Close".
Jira screenshot

The final step

The final step is to force the changes to the existing items by running a Jira Integration query. Followed by clicking on the Jira Integration tab and performing a query on the updated Jira Project with criteria to update the current synced items. See the example screenshot below; the query for items with a created date is greater than 1 January 2022. 

Jira screenshot

After the query runs, all the existing items in the system synced previously are moved to the new Program (screenshot below displays stories under Program 2).

Jira screenshot

The audit log within the stories will show the change due to a Program change.

(NOTE: this audit log displays the information change in the Program)

Jira screenshot

Due to this change only being reflected in Jira Align, no apparent changes are visible within the Jira items concerning the synced items.

A note of caution

If the connected project had completed work under a prior Program and PI, please create a new Jira project to connect to the new program. Performing the change of Programs within Jira Align will move ALL work, completed, and backlog to the new program. Your change could cause business, compliance or audit concerns. 

Get in touch to understand more about these configurations or for more insights.

This blog discusses the configuration of the Change Program feature for your existing integrated Jira projects and how to run this. Our simple steps outline the process for your ease. 

When configuration happens within Jira projects in the Jira connector within Jira Align, there may be times when changes need to occur. In the following example, we look at a configuration where the Jira projects have taken place within a specific program within Jira Align, and the process of updating to another Program happens.

Customer example

Our example below shows that Project "Combined Team" (Jira Project ID: CT) and its Scrum Board belong to Program 2. However, it's at present set to Program 1 in Jira Align. 

We must change the Project and Board to the correct Program in Jira Align.

Jira screenshot
The initial configuration shows the Combine Team Jira Project (project key "CT") currently set to Program 1.
Jira screenshot
Configuration can be seen here with The Scrum Team's board within Program 1.

Here are some steps to show how moving the Jira Project to the target Program in Jira Align is possible:

  1. Under Administration – Jira Settings – Manage Projects tab, click on the Jira key to open the settings for the mapped project.
  2. Click the dropdown next to Program and make the selection needed (see the screenshot below, Program 2 is selected).
  3. Click "Save & Close".
Jira screenshot
The second part is to change the mapping of Programs for the team boards.

Here are the steps to follow: 

  1. Under Administration – Jira Management – Jira Boards, click on the team name of the board you want to update.
  2. In the Teams setting dialogue, click on the dropdown next to Program and make the new selection (see the screenshot below, Program 2 is selected).
  3. Click on "Save & Close".
Jira screenshot
  1. Under Administration – Jira Management – Jira Boards, locate the board that needs to change to Program 2 from Program 1.
  2. Click on the Program name of the board you want to update.
  3. In the Board Edit dialogue, click on the dropdown next to Program and make the new selection (in the screenshot below, Program 2).
  4. Click on "Save & Close".
Jira screenshot

The final step

The final step is to force the changes to the existing items by running a Jira Integration query. Followed by clicking on the Jira Integration tab and performing a query on the updated Jira Project with criteria to update the current synced items. See the example screenshot below; the query for items with a created date is greater than 1 January 2022. 

Jira screenshot

After the query runs, all the existing items in the system synced previously are moved to the new Program (screenshot below displays stories under Program 2).

Jira screenshot

The audit log within the stories will show the change due to a Program change.

(NOTE: this audit log displays the information change in the Program)

Jira screenshot

Due to this change only being reflected in Jira Align, no apparent changes are visible within the Jira items concerning the synced items.

A note of caution

If the connected project had completed work under a prior Program and PI, please create a new Jira project to connect to the new program. Performing the change of Programs within Jira Align will move ALL work, completed, and backlog to the new program. Your change could cause business, compliance or audit concerns. 

Get in touch to understand more about these configurations or for more insights.