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A crash course on Jira Align's Custom Hierarchies and Custom Rooms

Kim Herren

When it comes to accounting for reporting requirements that fall outside of a scaled agile framework, Jira Align has the functionality to fill the gap. It accounts for and brings together reporting information, providing greater visibility into the working plan and work in progress.

In this blog, we will talk you through how to use two of the features of Jira Align, Custom Hierarchies and Custom Rooms, to unlock powerful reporting capabilities.

This blog is part of a series that, through tips and expertise shared by our top consultants, helps you to get the most out of tools like Jira Align.

Support for advanced or complex reporting requirements

Jira Align will organise People, Work, Time and Outcomes in a set structure to match a scaled agile framework. If your organisation is early in your scaled agile transformation, you may have reporting requirements outside of that structure that you need to continue to use. To cater to this set of conditions that are outside of a scaled agile framework, you'll need more flexibility in categorising work items.

For example, a hypothetical company, Blessed Beauty, needs to classify features by Product. The Product module in Jira Align could be an option and allows for a single product selection on the features. But for Blessed Beauty, the features completed for its website can apply to multiple products and product management needs to identify all products associated with the features.

In this instance and others that fall outside of a scaled agile framework, Jira Align’s Custom Hierarchies and Custom Rooms can help. You can use the hierarchy to filter work items and associated information in three key views: Work Item Grids, Backlog and Roadmap. And also bring them together in a Custom Room to track the progress of work items associated with the hierarchy.

Custom Hierarchy/Custom Room reporting in Jira Align – setup steps

We will start with the hierarchy setup, which is in the Administration module of Jira Align:

Navigate to Custom Hierarchies in Admin setup to create the structure to match the desired hierarchy of the organisation. 

You can set up custom hierarchies or structure them by portfolio or globally (which is the default view). You can create up to five custom hierarchies per instance. See the screenshots below for the example.

Custom hierarchies in admin
Custom hierarchies in admin
Product hierarchies in Jira

Additionally, in the Admin setup, the selection of the Hierarchy Item to the Work Item creates a field on the Work Item Details page.

See the screenshot below of the Work Item Details page – the Custom Hierarchy field on the feature is called Products.

Jira showing custom hierarchy field

Once this is set up, a field is added to the feature details to capture information.

For example, a product or multiple products. The screenshot below shows the field added to the feature details.

Jira showing feature details

Field can be added to the initiative to capture information at that level if needed.

If you’re using capabilities, a field can be added there as well.

You can set up States for the Custom Room; however, there are default States already created.

See the screenshot below.

Jira default states

Uses of the hierarchy

A key use of the hierarchy within Jira Align is to provide a filtering mechanism for Roadmap, Work Item Grids and Backlog. You can add the filter in each of these views. See the screenshot example below.

Jira uses of the hierarchy

Keep in mind that by using this or any filter in the Backlog, you will not be able to rank the features as it's disabled. This is because the Features Backlog applies to the entire program.

A Custom Room for the product hierarchy

A Custom Room for the Product Hierarchy provides a summary of work in progress. When you navigate to the Custom Rooms, there is both a list view and a hierarchy view of the rooms available. Let’s look at the layout of the Custom Room below.

Jira showing a Custom Room for the product hierarchy

In the Custom Room, you will find a list of features associated with the product. The stories related to the features can be found in the Other tab in the left corner of the page, see below screenshot.

Jira showing stories related to features

The list below, which is in the upper left section of the page, you will find objectives, risks and dependencies associated with the work items in the room.

objectives, risks and dependencies associated with work items

At the top right of the page, seen in the screenshot below, you will find information associated with the product including status, the owner, portfolios, programs and teams that contribute to it and any updates to those work items in the important updates section.

Jira showing information associated with the product

And finally, at the bottom right of the page, you will find a burnup chart below displaying the work to be completed.

burnup chart below displaying the work to be completed

Additional scenarios

There are additional scenarios whereby you may wish to use a custom hierarchy and room structure. As an example, if an organisation is utilising a Solution layer, you can use a Custom Hierarchy and Custom Room structure to set up the functionality so that the Custom Room becomes a Solution Room, similar to the Portfolio, Program and Team Rooms already in the tool.

Want to make the most of Jira Align or arrange a demo? Get in touch.

When it comes to accounting for reporting requirements that fall outside of a scaled agile framework, Jira Align has the functionality to fill the gap. It accounts for and brings together reporting information, providing greater visibility into the working plan and work in progress.

In this blog, we will talk you through how to use two of the features of Jira Align, Custom Hierarchies and Custom Rooms, to unlock powerful reporting capabilities.

This blog is part of a series that, through tips and expertise shared by our top consultants, helps you to get the most out of tools like Jira Align.

Support for advanced or complex reporting requirements

Jira Align will organise People, Work, Time and Outcomes in a set structure to match a scaled agile framework. If your organisation is early in your scaled agile transformation, you may have reporting requirements outside of that structure that you need to continue to use. To cater to this set of conditions that are outside of a scaled agile framework, you'll need more flexibility in categorising work items.

For example, a hypothetical company, Blessed Beauty, needs to classify features by Product. The Product module in Jira Align could be an option and allows for a single product selection on the features. But for Blessed Beauty, the features completed for its website can apply to multiple products and product management needs to identify all products associated with the features.

In this instance and others that fall outside of a scaled agile framework, Jira Align’s Custom Hierarchies and Custom Rooms can help. You can use the hierarchy to filter work items and associated information in three key views: Work Item Grids, Backlog and Roadmap. And also bring them together in a Custom Room to track the progress of work items associated with the hierarchy.

Custom Hierarchy/Custom Room reporting in Jira Align – setup steps

We will start with the hierarchy setup, which is in the Administration module of Jira Align:

Navigate to Custom Hierarchies in Admin setup to create the structure to match the desired hierarchy of the organisation. 

You can set up custom hierarchies or structure them by portfolio or globally (which is the default view). You can create up to five custom hierarchies per instance. See the screenshots below for the example.

Custom hierarchies in admin
Custom hierarchies in admin
Product hierarchies in Jira

Additionally, in the Admin setup, the selection of the Hierarchy Item to the Work Item creates a field on the Work Item Details page.

See the screenshot below of the Work Item Details page – the Custom Hierarchy field on the feature is called Products.

Jira showing custom hierarchy field

Once this is set up, a field is added to the feature details to capture information.

For example, a product or multiple products. The screenshot below shows the field added to the feature details.

Jira showing feature details

Field can be added to the initiative to capture information at that level if needed.

If you’re using capabilities, a field can be added there as well.

You can set up States for the Custom Room; however, there are default States already created.

See the screenshot below.

Jira default states

Uses of the hierarchy

A key use of the hierarchy within Jira Align is to provide a filtering mechanism for Roadmap, Work Item Grids and Backlog. You can add the filter in each of these views. See the screenshot example below.

Jira uses of the hierarchy

Keep in mind that by using this or any filter in the Backlog, you will not be able to rank the features as it's disabled. This is because the Features Backlog applies to the entire program.

A Custom Room for the product hierarchy

A Custom Room for the Product Hierarchy provides a summary of work in progress. When you navigate to the Custom Rooms, there is both a list view and a hierarchy view of the rooms available. Let’s look at the layout of the Custom Room below.

Jira showing a Custom Room for the product hierarchy

In the Custom Room, you will find a list of features associated with the product. The stories related to the features can be found in the Other tab in the left corner of the page, see below screenshot.

Jira showing stories related to features

The list below, which is in the upper left section of the page, you will find objectives, risks and dependencies associated with the work items in the room.

objectives, risks and dependencies associated with work items

At the top right of the page, seen in the screenshot below, you will find information associated with the product including status, the owner, portfolios, programs and teams that contribute to it and any updates to those work items in the important updates section.

Jira showing information associated with the product

And finally, at the bottom right of the page, you will find a burnup chart below displaying the work to be completed.

burnup chart below displaying the work to be completed

Additional scenarios

There are additional scenarios whereby you may wish to use a custom hierarchy and room structure. As an example, if an organisation is utilising a Solution layer, you can use a Custom Hierarchy and Custom Room structure to set up the functionality so that the Custom Room becomes a Solution Room, similar to the Portfolio, Program and Team Rooms already in the tool.

Want to make the most of Jira Align or arrange a demo? Get in touch.